Swati Joshi

Board Member

Swati Joshi has lived in North Texas for over 25 years and has been an avid activist promoting voting in the South Asian community. During the 2018 mid-terms, Swati worked with local activists to form DFW for Beto and coordinated many town halls, candidate forums, and meet & greets. The now famous Garland TX rally for Beto in January 2018 was planned, coordinated, and led by Swati. In addition to DFW for Beto, Swati was on the board of the NDTDW from 2016 to 2018. In 2018, she joined They See Blue (TSB), a statewide and national organization, promoting South Asians to vote at every election. In 2020, Swati was invited to be on the National Board of They See Blue and continues to lead the AZ and TX chapters.

Swati works in the high-tech industry and enjoys traveling, gardening, painting, and most of all, spending time with her family and sweet dog Finnegan. Swati is also an enthusiastic Foodie!