Dr. Helen Shih
Board Member

Dr. Helen Shih is a vision and mission coach for life purpose and organization development. She has a breadth of professional and advocacy experiences in cancer medicine, holistic health, public education, climate/environmental actions, and civic engagement. She was a board member of United Chinese Americans, a national civil rights organization, and founded several grassroots groups including the Greater Houston Asian American Progressives and Chinese American Voter Alliance. Since 2016, she supported more than 50 progressive candidates running for local, state, and federal positions. Notable names include Biden for President, Beto for Texas Senator, Warnock and Ossof for Georgia Senators, Sri Kulkarni for Congress, and Gene Wu for Texas State House. She organized candidate forums, congressional visits, and election campaigns, and helped eleven Asian Americans win Houston-area public offices in 2018, breaking a historical record. Her effort is to strengthen the values of diversity, inclusiveness, and equity, and raise future leaders of minorities and women in American public space.